
B2 Course

B2 Course

B2 is an advanced level for German learners. The course is structured into specific lessons, building your vocabulary as well as understanding. 

Let’s begin.

Learn discontinuous conjunctions such as “entweder…oder”, “weder…noch”, “zwar…aber” etc.

Learn about the separable prefixes – auf, aus, an, ab, ein, bei, entgegen

Learn about the separable prefixes – entlang, gleich, gegenüber, los, mit, fort

Learn about the separable prefixes – heraus, hinein, nach, vor, weg, zu, zurück

Learn about the separable prefixes – zusammen, um, durch, wieder, wider, weiter, unter

Learn about the inseparable prefixes – be-, er-, ent-, emp-, ge-

Learn about the inseparable prefixes – hinter-, miss-, ver-, wider-, zer-

Learn how to form alternatives to forming the passive voice.